Dan Starling
Lithography - Collaborative Prints
Intaglio - Unsettled Histories
Relief - Alternative Aesthetics
Project - Jelena and the Magic Flute
Intaglio - Sans Sans Soleil
Film - The Chorus
Project - Costumes for the Chorus
Letterpress - Kleist
Project - The Part of No Part
Photographs - Barack Obama Masks
Intaglio - Return of the Repressed
Film - The Kidnapper's Opera
Video - BM/DNC
Project - Malcolm X/JD Salinger
22" x 30", lithograph, 2022, collaboration with Ann Richards
The Chorus, artist book, 2018
The Culture Industry and the Propaganda Factory, 2014
Unsettled Histories, 2019-2021
Malcolm X / J.D. Salinger, 2008
relief, 48" x 32", 2020
exhibition, Jelena and the Magic Flute, 2020
The Chrous, 2018
Sans Sans Soleil, 2018
exhibition brochure
Esteban I, etching and graphite, 15" x 11," 2018
exhibition, Sans Sans Soleil, 2018
Vancouver at the Movies
letterpress, 11 x 17"
Costumes for the Chorus, 2014
Barack Obama Masks, 2014
The Part of No Part, 2013
The Kidnapper's Opera, 2013
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Return of the Repressed, 2013
How Soon is Now
, exhibition view at the Vancouver Art Gallery, 2009